I, the parent/guardian of the student named in this form, acknowledge and agree to the following:
Assumption of Risk – I understand that while Easy STEM School provides a safe and structured learning environment, participation in tutoring services involves inherent risks. I assume all responsibility for my child’s safety during and after tutoring sessions.
Release of Liability – I hereby release and hold harmless Easy STEM School, its instructors, and any affiliates from any claims, demands, or liabilities that may arise from my child’s participation in tutoring sessions.
Medical Emergencies – If a medical emergency occurs, Easy STEM School will contact the parent/guardian immediately. In serious cases, Easy STEM School will call emergency services if necessary. Parents/guardians are financially responsible for medical expenses.
Payments - Payment must be made no later than the next scheduled session. Payment can be made via cash, Zelle, PayPal, or Venmo.
Online Tutoring Requirements - Students must have a stable internet connection, webcam, and microphone. Sessions may not be recorded without prior written consent from the tutor and parent/guardian.
By selecting "I Agree" below, I confirm that I have read, understood, and accepted the terms outlined in this agreement.